Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Is being left handed a BAD THING??

When you see a left handed person your first answer to them is probably "Your left handed!?"
You know as hard as it is for a person that is left handed and living in a right handed world is somewhat hard. I can relate because I am also left handed only 10% of the worlds population is left handed and the 90% are right handed. Sometimes I wonder to myself that the world has forgotten about we left handed people, Almost everything you see is made for right handed people everything from:
note book
Another word for a left hander would be a
southpaw: A left handed person 
As hard as it is for us. We left handed people have our own left handers day which land on August 13th, Which helps raise awareness for left handed people and make tools specifically designed for them only. One of the intersting facts about being left handed are this:
left handed people have their own national holiday that lands on the 13th of August.
Left handed people can see better under water than those who are right handed.
Left handed people have a better chance at winning a fight because no one every expect a punch from the left hand.
 We are also known as Southpaws
The left hand has been considered as the evil hand.
We die 9 years quicker than right handed people
about 10% of the world population is left handed and is at risk of decreasing
Their is a groups that HATE lefties and what them gone, Because they think that left handed people are considered evil.

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