Monday, December 1, 2014

giving military equpiment to police officers?

President Barack Obama has just issued a law that know all Police officers will know carry Military weapon to protect themselves from riots. See know that really raises questions to some of us why would President Barack Obama issue weapons to police officers? I completely agree that he made a rightful decision to  give police officers military weapons why? Because look how bad the situation got in Ferguson and the police couldn't do much to stop it. So if the police officers needs to use military weapons to stop the riots then so be it. Because if smoke grenades won't work then force is required.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Is being left handed a BAD THING??

When you see a left handed person your first answer to them is probably "Your left handed!?"
You know as hard as it is for a person that is left handed and living in a right handed world is somewhat hard. I can relate because I am also left handed only 10% of the worlds population is left handed and the 90% are right handed. Sometimes I wonder to myself that the world has forgotten about we left handed people, Almost everything you see is made for right handed people everything from:
note book
Another word for a left hander would be a
southpaw: A left handed person 
As hard as it is for us. We left handed people have our own left handers day which land on August 13th, Which helps raise awareness for left handed people and make tools specifically designed for them only. One of the intersting facts about being left handed are this:
left handed people have their own national holiday that lands on the 13th of August.
Left handed people can see better under water than those who are right handed.
Left handed people have a better chance at winning a fight because no one every expect a punch from the left hand.
 We are also known as Southpaws
The left hand has been considered as the evil hand.
We die 9 years quicker than right handed people
about 10% of the world population is left handed and is at risk of decreasing
Their is a groups that HATE lefties and what them gone, Because they think that left handed people are considered evil.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Ebola Virus know in the U.S

How do we protect ourselves over a virus that not only can you get it from physical contact but how about when you know that the virus travels through the air as well?  According to Doctors the only way you can protect yourself. Is if the person you know has Ebola to send them to the hospital immediately. I don't know if that will help or make or change the fact that know you have.

How do i know if someone i love or if i have the Ebola virus what are the symptoms?
  1. Symptoms show up 2 to 21 days after infection and usually include:
    • High fever.
    • Headache.
    • Joint and muscle aches.
    • Sore throat.
    • Weakness.
    • Stomach pain.
    • Lack of appetite
Know according to Head of Centers for Diseases tells congress that Ebola "is not a significant public health threat." According to Dr. Thomas Frieden told congress:

 “those caring for people with Ebola” face the greatest risk but average Americans should not be concerned. He also said banning travel to and from West Africa would be a mistake. 

Of course i would believe that if  i knew that their was some cure out their that actually cured Ebola but sadly their isn't any cure for this disease yet. I'm not scared to admit that i myself am also worried that Ebola can cause an out brake in American soil and that we can lose hundreds if not thousands of Americans because of Ebola. Should they cancel flights to West Africa yes! 100% sure that they should not allow anyone to go or come from West Africa, It's not that I'm racist but with this disease going on over their in West Africa and NOW here in America their is something we should do to PROTECT the life's of millions of Americans here in the U.S.

Here is the link to The article that i was talking about:
If you have any question please feel free to email me at: or

Friday, September 12, 2014

Can your high school grades predict your future salary?

So who new right that your Grade point G.P.A could affect how much you get when you have your career job. In an article that i am reading talks about how people who do better in high school tend to get more money that those who don't. For Example people who get a 1.00 G.P.A get more that those who get a 1.50 G.P.A those who get a 1.0 get around 20 to $30,000. See the difference?, Those who get a 3.0 get a little over 40,000 and those who get a 4.0 G.P.A you get a little under 50,000. Now here's the catch you would of thought (if your a girl) you would be getting the same as you would if you were a guy? Right? WRONG. You would have thought that  a girl that gets a 1.00 G.P.A would be getting at 20 to $30,000 just as much as a guy would., nope a women with a 1.00 G.P.A. gets roughly little bet above $10,000. A women with a 3.00 get at least a little under a $30,000 and those with a 4.00 G.P.A get between 30 to $40,000. O.K. i honestly think that theirs just a little of injustice here why? i mean look at the facts a man with 1.00 G.P.A gets $30,000, That's how much a women gets paid if she has a 3.00 G.P.A. 



Wednesday, September 10, 2014

France and 9 other alllies joinig the fight against ISIS

So i wanted to do this blog just to give you guys an update on what is going on with the ISIS group situation. So I've been doing a little research on whats been going on with ISIS and what we plan to do with them. From what I've been reading so far it's actually really interesting, Due to the fact that France now wants to join the fight against ISIS. Which of course is a good thing because now we have an one more Allie (Wait Alex you mean one more don't you mean just one??)  President Barack Obama has asked 9 other Allies to join him in the fight to destroy the ISIS group. So far i don't know who the 9 Allies are at this point but i will let you guys know as soon as i figure that out.

Someone sent me an email telling me that they liked what i wrote and how old i was. So just to get that out of the way i am 17 and Hispanic
If you have any doubts or you just wanna let me know how i did contact me at

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Should we go to war with the Islamic State Group?

This is a question that has been debated time and time again by the U.S. senate. Now for some of you that live in the U.S. know that this is really difficult due to the fact that this terrorist groups have been threatening and killing and capturing U.S. citizens. I mean i know that so many of us don't want to send marines to go fight the Islamic State Group. But their comes a time when we need to act and the time to act is now. I honestly am glad that President Barack Obama decided to destroy the Islamic State Group. Not only have the U.S. air force done there job but now it's time to send foot soldiers to do the rest. I mean not only are they attacking U.S. citizens but they are also attacking people form England as well. A statement released from the Islamic state group was this "our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people." 
I mean if this isn't enough then what is? Another attack like 9/11. I mean they sent a 2 videos of journalist being beheaded The mother of the U.S. journalist Sotloff pleaded with Islamic state group to let her son go.

Last week, Sotloff's mother, Shirley Sotloff, pleaded with his captors for mercy, saying in a video that her son was "an innocent journalist" and "an honorable man" who "has always tried to help the weak." 
 I pray for the mother of Sotloff for peace and for strength as i know that this might be a hard time for her. But i mean the time to act is now. Not next week or next month NOW.

 if you have any question or you just wanna tell me what i should write about next please let me know,  or

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

should we let the kids that have been crossing the border stay.

Hello my name is Alexis and this is going to be my first blog that I've done in a while, So just bare with me for  a while. But one of the things that has just been getting my attention so many time would be the problem that we are having with the kids that are crossing the borderfrom Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador know that they've been crossing the borders in groups WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS. So the U.S. senate is trying to figure out what  to do with this kids. Their trying to figure out whither to send them back to their country (where they know that they could get killed due to the fact that the drug cartels control there country.) Or letting them stay here and get an education and have a good life in America. As far as President Obama has said that they plan on strengthening the border. Which is good but, Will that really keep the immigrants from coming into this country for "freedom?" I mean i understand that they come here for a better life but come on, We don't have to put them in a detention center and kept them caged like animals do we?
I wanna talk about this article a little bit. You don't have to read it if you don't want to but here's the thing we don't have to automatically assume that ever kid that comes to the border has a disease. I mean that's why we should check the children before we let them out in the state. But instead we let them in and then we start crying that now we don't know what to do because this kid have a disease i mean come on you gotta think about this. Before you let the kid in you wanna make sure they don't have a diseases.

Please leave a comment on what you think? And if you liked what i wrote please let me know what you would like me to argue about next.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mars One

One thing that i would like to talk about is the Mission to mars to supposedly start life their. Now what do you guys think not that i don't think it's bad idea i mean we are getting into a time span where we are starting to advance in technology right? But sending to people to Mars to start life seems a little bit weird to me. i honestly think they should have let us vote about it since we are citizens and we should at least have a say in this discussion about wither or not we should send people to Mars. Now i know this has nothing to do with all the other stuff i been talking about recently which of-course had been nothing of interest. But honestly guys please let me know what you guys think about this Mission to mars to start life their.

Their is a link below that you guys can check out that i have been reading and trying to understand  myself because I've only gotten a few details from this article.

If you guys want me to blog about anything whats so ever please let me know and send me an E-mail at: